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Join Us In The Kitchen!

Lisa Rovick and Susan Weintrob

The Best Weekly Grocery Haul

Our weekly grocery shopping budget is a big part of what we spend money on. What's the best way to buy nutritious foods that we like and still save $$$? Come have fun with us and follow Lisa’s videos on her weekly grocery hauls.


Chef Lisa has been working on a $50 a week budget for her family.  She shops and plans meals around coupons and at different stores with different sales. Susan grows her own herb garden, shops once a week on the same day and has a freezer to buy meat in bulk and freeze ahead homemade meals.  Both look for fruits and vegetables in season.


There are quite a few grocery shopping theories out there : going clockwise or counter clockwise; shopping quickly or leisurely; avoiding the middle isles or shopping in them.  Many conflicting opinions here!


We have a few tips that have helped us keep the costs down! And see Lisa's weekly grocery haul on video!

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