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Spiced Banana Milk Eggnog

Serves 2


2 frozen bananas, very ripe

2 cups milk of choice

½ teaspoon cinnamon

¼ teaspoon cardamom

1 ounce Bourbon or Rum or to taste


1. Put all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth.

2. Make your own milk below or choose from commercial milks--cow, soy or almond.


TIP: The frozen bananas make it colder and thicker.

Homemade Nut and Seed Milk


Yield 1 quart


1 cup nuts or seeds of choice, such almonds, walnuts, cashew, pecans, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, hempseeds, sunflower seeds,

4 cups of water

1 teaspoon vanilla, optional

2 tablespoons maple syrup, optional

Pinch of salt


1. Soak nuts or seeds in water for 6 hours  

or overnight.

2. Drain and rinse nuts or seeds.

3. Put all ingredients into blender. Purée on

high until very smooth, about 1-2


4. Strain the milk through a very fine sieve,

nut milk bag or cheesecloth.

5. Put in a jar and store in the refrigerator

for up to 4 days.


Tip: For a richer nut milk, reduce water to 3 ½ cups.  Some nuts, such as hazel and Brazil nuts, have higher fat content, so they can be a substituted for heavy cream, if the water is reduced by half.



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