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Thanksgiving Leftovers: What's Your Game Plan?

With Thanksgiving this week, visions come to mind of mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravies, and pies. AH! The average Thanksgiving meal is 4,500 calories! What’s the plan to enjoy Thanksgiving and cut caloric damage?

Six Ways to Recycle and Reinvent


So you had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, broccoli and creamed corn.


By Friday, you may not want to see this dinner again!  With some planning, you can use up all your leftovers by recycling the dishes into new meals, which look nothing like the dishes from the Thanksgiving table. Reinventing leftovers reduces waste, saves money and gives you more time to spend with family and friends. Relax and give thanks.


Click here to see 6 ways you can transform your Thanksgiving dishes.


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