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Lisa Rovick and Susan Weintrob

Susan's Foodie Lit review of Dorothy Love's Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Gray and make Mrs. (Robert E.) Lee's Cake!

Egg-cellent uses for eggs!

Chef Lisa and Randall, the family chicken

Eggs can be eaten in so many ways! Marshall, Chef Lisa's family chicken, gives her some recipe tips here.

Eggs are great on their own or when used in a variety of dishes. Some recipes might take a bit more time and skill but loads require little time and can even be made in advance.

Egg-stravagent Omlettes: One of our favorite methods is cooking omelets in the waffle maker. You can pour your eggs right in along with the fixings and voila! no flipping required!

Egg-ceptional Muffin tins: A muffin tin also comes in handy to create a perfect circle for your egg sandwich. Tins are great too for making larger amounts at the same time in the oven.

Egg-citing Tofu subbbing: A great substitute for scrambled eggs is extra or firm tofu, especially if you love egg whites. We find the taste and flavor very similar.

Thanks, Marshall for the egg-stremely fabulous ideas! Click here for a few ideas next time you have a few eggs laying.


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