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                                 is a unique approach to everyday cooking that develops easy to follow and customizable recipes.  Whether meat and potatoes are your thing or your menu is mostly fruits and vegetables, we teach you to improvise on a daily basis.

Read Susan's Foodie Lit review of William Alexander's 52 Loaves.

How to make a not boring salad


How to make your salad not-boring? Add colors, textures and contrast into your salad. Try including fruits, nuts, cheese or different greens. 


The most common and popular salad is lettuce with tomato, cucumber and a bit of carrot. Ok. It's good once in a while, but not very interesting. And, let's face it, this important side dish can be boring!

Here are ideas to make your salad exciting! 

1. Think Color- fruits and vegetables are naturally beautiful, so use a variety. Sometimes it's as simple as buying rainbow carrots instead of the orange. We eat with our eyes first.

2. Think Textures- crunchy nuts or apples, soft zucchini noodles, creamy beans, firm cheeses, chewy dried fruit. The possibilities are endless!

3. Think Contrast in Flavor- Sweet and salty, bitter and sour. A combination of flavor adds excitement to the palate.

4. Think New- try a different lettuce each week or vegetable. Even try making your own salad dressing.

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